Seven things you can do in Squarespace

Squarespace is a website builder that allows users to create and manage their websites. With squarespace, there is no need to learn website design languages like html or other coding languages – all you need is a computer and an internet connection. Squarespace provides users with everything they need to create a professional-looking website, including templates, hosting, and domain names.

1.Award-winning Templates

Need a website in a snap? No need to worry about conceptualizing a design. Squarespace offers templates for your website.

All you need to do is click and drag visuals, items, and all the rest of the collaterals in place.

All templates are customizable to your needs, mobile browser compatible, and award-winning for design!


Blogging is an art; with squarespace, your blog will be more than it can be!

Give your stories, points of view, and anything and everything you want to share with the world a new look.

Not just that, your blog can also be functional, monitor your content, and see what is clicking and not clicking with your audience.


Portfolios are essential for most creatives. And in this day and age, it’s no longer bringing around a binder of your works.

Have all your latest, upcoming, and past works in one space, squarespace!

4.Website Analytics

Data is essential; using it to enhance your website will increase traffic, views, leads, and sales.

5.Connected Services

Bring your social media, music, and payment channels; anything and everything can be connected to your squarespace-hosted website.

6.Onboard Experts

Still, have no time to manage your website on your own? Squarespace offers onboard experts to handle your website for you on the spot!


Give your storefront a virtual makeover. Open shop with squarespace, reach a broader market and bring your products and services worldwide